By applying techniques from explainable artificial intelligence, engineers can improve users’ confidence in forecasts generated by artificial intelligence models. This approach was recently tested on wind power generation by a team that includes experts from EPFL. Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) is a branch of AI that helps users to peek inside the black-box of AI models to understand how their output is generated and whether their forecasts can be trusted. Recently, XAI has gained prominence […]
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Interview with our researchers:
Dan Andersson water monitoring (EPFL EML)
Read MoreCloudProphet: A Machine Learning-Based Performance Prediction for Public Clouds
Written by Huang, Darong ; Costero Valero, Luis Maria ; Pahlevan, Ali ; Zapater Sancho, Marina ; Atienza Alonso, David IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing – 23rd of January 2024 AbstractComputing servers have played a key role in developing and processing emerging compute-intensive applications in recent years. Consolidating multiple virtual machines (VMs) inside one server to run various applications introduces severe competence for limited resources among VMs. Many techniques such as VM scheduling and resource provisioning are proposed to maximize the cost-efficiency of the […]
Read MoreGetting control over our data centers with Heating Bits
Mario Paolone speaks about related project Heating Bits:
Read MoreCities offer an array of opportunities for a sustainable future
The Dean of ENAC, Prof. Claudia Binder, named-checked UrbanTwin in an in-depth interivew about World Cities Day: “Digital technology is opening the door to new research avenues. For example, it lets us simulate potential pathways and tipping dynamics towards more sustainable states. These results could support policymakers in their decision-making and enable them to explore unknown avenues. This can be really powerful, and it’s underexploited so far, especially at the scale of a city due […]
Read MoreReimagining Lives
Georgios Sarantakos took part in a panel discussion at the event Reimagining Living: Building within our Planet’s Limits. A panel discussion highlighted the importance of breaking silos and the interconnected nature of politics and our collective future. The panelists included: In a world facing increasing urbanization and environmental challenges, events like “Reimagining Living” provide a platform for rethinking the future of our cities. As we navigate this pivotal moment in history, the question remains: can […]
Read MoreHow could frontier technologies impact climate-related issues?
Prof. Babak Falsafi featured in an online webinar organized by Reuters and IEEE, together with leaders from IEEE CS, UN and OECD on the climate impact of Frontier Technologies. Watch the video Empowering The Green Tech Revolution: From Design to Deployment According to a recent UN report, frontier technologies such as AI, blockchain, or immersive reality can help mitigate and combat many of the challenges the world is facing when it comes to climate change. […]
Read MoreCrossing the threshold – first results published
A threshold has been crossed: the first results from UrbanTwin have already been published. Splitting probabilities and mean first-passage times across multiple thresholds of jump-and-drift transition pathsGiulio Calvani and Paolo PeronaPhysical Review E 108, 044105 – 3 October 2023 The authors have derived a relationship for the mean first-passage time of transition paths crossing two consecutive thresholds for particles starting outside them. The results are relevant to several physical and engineering applications including the case […]
Read MoreFirst Newsletter is published
Our first newsletter is online, featuring an interview with two leading players from UrbanTwin The UrbanTwin project brings together the energy, environmental and IT communities, as required for the achievement of its goals. Indeed, a multi-disciplinary approach is required in order to address the complexity of the multi-infrastructure modelling as well as the development of an energy efficient and highly performant IT-based digital twin too. These communities are equally represented in the project in terms […]
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