EPFL Workshop on the Evolution of Electricity Markets

Room ELA 2 EPFL Main Campus, Ecublens, Switzerland

The EPFL Workshop on the Evolution of Electricity Markets will take place on Monday, September 11th on the EPFL Ecublens campus. The goal of the workshop is to bring together academic scientists, public authorities, and industrial players to address the technical, economic, and regulatory challenges of the integration of renewable energy resources into the power grid and to generate exchange and potential collaboration ideas around the addressed topic. If you are interested in attending, please register […]

Digital Twins – Challenges and Opportunities

The CISBAT Workshop 2023 will take place at the SwissTech building of the EPFL campus. Georgios Sarantakos will present UrbanTwin at 11h10 - full program available below. The workshop on digital twins of buildings and cities will offer a unique opportunity for scientists and urbanists to explore the potential of digital twins in transforming the way we design, operate, and manage buildings and cities. Digital twins are virtual replicas of physical assets, systems, or processes […]

The 4th CLIMACT Seminar

The 4th CLIMACT seminar series will start on Monday 2 October, 12:00-13:15, on Zoom. Elise Buckle, CEO of Climate & Sustainability and co-founder of SHE Changes Climate, will be the first guest speaker. The focus of this seminar will be on the role of gender equity, empowerment and partnerships in the fight against climate change.

EcoCloud Annual Event

Prof. David Atienza, who is also Director of the EcoCloud Center, will present the Heating Bits project at the center's annual event: UrbanTwin: An urban digital twin for climate action – Assessing policies and solutions for energy, water and infrastructure