Calls for proposals
How UrbanTwin is funded
At its meeting on 13 July, the ETH Board approved the following Joint Initiatives in two Strategic Areas for co-funding:
Strategic Area Energy, Climate and Environmental Sustainability
Strategic Area Engagement and Dialogue with Society
UrbanTwin is one of five initiatives approved in the first category.
The project brings together forward-looking research developed by partners from 5 different institutions of the ETH domain, namely EPFL, ETHZ, WSL, EMPA, and EAWAG, representing the engineering, environmental, and IT communities in a balanced way. The project will actively involve local stakeholders to ensure the successful implementation of the proposed interdisciplinary decision-making tool. Moreover, professional science outreach, communication, and scientific project management are assured through four EPFL centers, namely, the Center for Sustainable Cloud Computing (EcoCloud), the Energy Center, the Center for Climate Impact and Action (CLIMACT), and the Center for Intelligent Systems (CIS).